
Showing posts from May, 2015

Ingatkan Allah

Saat-saat kita PERLU  INGAT Allah: 1. Sebelum tidur 2. Bangun dari tidur 3. Ditimpa susah atau diberi nikmat 4. Ketika solat - itulah diri sebenar. Tip didik anak2 - lazimi tiap malam, menangis di depan Allah kerana dosa2 kita.

Amalan harian yang sepatutnya kita buat

Dari : Ustaz Dato Ismail Kamus. Amalan harian yang sepatutnya kita buat. 1. bangun malam ( sekitar jam 3 pg) -mandi dan ambil wuduk 2. solat sunat wuduk. 3. solat sunat taubat. 4. solat sunat tahajjud (8rkaat). 5. solat sunat hajat ( mintak Allah makbulkan permintaan kita, bila2 masa kita mintak) 6. solat sunat witir 3 rakaat. 7. istighfr 100x 8. tahlil 300x 9. لاَإِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ سُبْحَا نَكَ إِنِّيْ كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّا لِمِيْنَ. 40x 10. tasbih 40x 11. solat sunat fajar 12. solat subuh. 13. baca yaassin lepas subuh. 14. solat sunat dhuha 6 rakaat. 15. Solat Zohor. -solat sunat sebelum -solat sunat selepas 16.Solat Asar -solat sunat sebelum 17. Solat maghrib -solt sunat selepas 18. Solat Isya' -solat sunat sebelum -solat sunat selepas 19. Sebelum tidur baca : - al-quran - surah Al-mulk - surah sajjadah - surah al-waqiah 20.setiap hari mesti sedekah, walaupun sedikit. “didunia bukat tempat untuk berehat, tetapi tempat untuk beribadat." [ustaz Ismail Kamus] *jik...

Things that can save you

Dr Muhammad Raatib Al-Nablesy said: "Things that can save you" 🌞 you are driving your car and the heat from the sun is see a person walking full of sweat  😰 don't feel disgusted to open the door of your car to offer a lift"  👉 this could be what will save you...! 😥 you have returned home and you are tired, you have carried groceries required at home....suddenly your mum asks : " have you brought me milk?!" 😦 😊smile and tell her "give me a minute I will go and get you some!" maybe the prayer she will pray for you could be the one to save you....! 👴 Your dad says" So and so! Come and take me to the doctor, I have an appointment" reply "Alright"....He says to you "May Allah bless you"......This could be that which will save you......! 👶 you are praying, and your baby is playing next to you, and all of sudden jumps on your back  while you are in Sijda position ... 😳...