A positive message

"I slept on benches and
everyday borrowed 20Rs
from friend to travel to
film city"
- Sharukh khan

"I failed in 8th standard"
- Sachin Tendulkar

"During my secondary
school, I was dropped
from school basketball
- MichelI Jordan

"I was rejected for the
job in All India Radio
bcoz of my heavy voice"
- Amitabh Bacchan

"I used to work in petrol
- Dhirubhai Ambani

"I was rejected in the
interview of Pilot"
- Abdul Kalam

"I didn't even complete
my university education"
- Bill Gates

"I was a dyslexic kid"
- Tom Cruize

"I was raped at the
age of 9 "
- Oprah Winfrey

"I used to serve tea at
a shop to support my
football training"
- Lionel Messi

"I used to sleep on the
floor in friends rooms,
returning Coke bottles
for food, money, and
getting weekly free
meals at a local temple"
- Steve Jobs

"My teachers used to
call me a failure"
- Tony Blair

"I was in prison for 27
-Nelson Mandela

and here comes the

"At the age of 30, I was
a bus conductor"
- Rajnikant

"Friends, there are
many such people who

Life is not about what
you couldn't do so far,
it's about what you can
still do.

Wait n dont ever give up.
Miracles happen every
Rs.50 seems too much
to give a beggar but it
seems okay when its
given as tip at a fancy

After a whole day of
work, Hours at the gym
seem alright but helping
your Mother out at home
seems like a burden.

Praying to god for 3 min
takes too much time but
watching a movie for 3
hours doesn't.

Two poor starving kids
sitting on the pavement
weren't given even a slice
of Bread but a painting of
them sold for lakhs of

We don't think twice
About forwarding jokes
But we will rethink about
sending this message on.

Think about It..
Make a change. Coz u can ..
Six Easy ways to earn, even after death.

1) Give a smile or gift to someone.
Each time u gift or smile, it will make someone's day - U gain.

2) Donate a wheelchair to a hospital. Each time sick person uses it, U gain.

3) Participate in building an orphanage, hospital, school or college.
Anybody uses it, U gain.

4) Place a water cooler in a public place. Anybody drinks water, U gain.

5) Plant a tree. Whenever a person, animal sits in its shade or eats from it, U gain.

6) And the easiest of all is to Share this message with people. Even if 1 applies any of the above,
U gain.



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