The people that Allah loves

"A scholar once said:
”I was wondering if Allah loves me
So I checked the Qur’an to see what are the characteristics of the people that Allah has mentioned whom He Loves

I discovered that Allah loves the “Al- Muttaqeen” (the Pious) so I said ” I wouldn’t dare consider myself one of them.”

Again I continued searching….

Then I found that Allah loves As- Sabireen (the patient).
So I remembered: “How impatient I am.”
So I continued searching….

Then I found that Allah loves Al- Mujahideen (those who strive in His path),
so I remembered how lazy and powerless I am.

I continued searching….

Then I found Allah loves Al- Muhsineen (those who do good deeds).
So I remembered how far I am from that.

Then I said: “So I stopped searching to avoid more disappointment. I reflected on my good deeds, and I found most of them are mixed with laziness, coldness, flaws and sins.

Then it came to my mind that Allah also loves the At-Tawwabeen (those who repent). I just figured out it is the one for me and for others like me.

So I said “I started saying …” “Astaghfirullah waa Atooubu Ilaih” in abundance and started mending my ways so I could be one of the ones whom Allah loves.”

May we be able to at least seek forgiveness often enough to be counted among those whom Allah Loves, Aameen!!"


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