ODL & COVID - check in your mental wellbeing
4 Jun 2020
Nota dari perbincangan FB Live:
FB Live session
Dr Nur Jannah (UiTM)
Pn Anita (presiden MIASA)
Ustaz Amin
@13:20 Dr NurJannah
ODL - online distance learning.
>> covid19 and us.
- we are part of this history.
>> common mental health problem during covid19.
- triggers mental health crisis.
- social distancing - physically away from each other.
- movement control orders - restrictions.
- loss of job/employment.
- worldside cases and deaths.
>> psychological impact
- esp post traumatic stress symptoms.
- confusion and anger.
- increased anxiety dan stress.
- physically home - abusers can increase violence and cause trauma.
- grief and feeling of loss.
>> cycle of grief
1. shock and denial. losing the freedom to meet friends. confused, fera, numbness, blame covid19 related people.
2. anger. anxiety. shame. embarassed.
3. depression and detachment. overwhelmed.
4. dialogue and bargaining. reaching out. tell her story. struggle to find meaning.
5. acceptance. a new person.
@20:28 - stats (adults)
@22:03 - stats on depressed.
@26:11 - Pn Anita. presiden MIASA.
pernah experience. taking care of my mental health is an every day job. it really dont just go away.
during MCO - overwhelmed. overthink abt the future. how to live the day with covid19.
her solution - take one step at a time. dont give up.
things can change. it is not your fault. there is hope.
@38.23 Ustaz Amin
Q - penghayatan ibadah - adakah prevention or solution?
1. fokus kehidupan - khusyuk. betulkan fokus hidup. apa tujuan hidup kita.
6400 sebelum masihi.
orang zaman dahulu pun terkena wabak juga. kehidupan kita sama juga dgn orang dulu. kita hanyalah satu generasi yg melalui hidup ini. hidup ini bersulam wabak dan cabaran lain.
2. membentuk bahasa dalaman. monolog. bahasa dalaman yg kuat. eg. salahudin al ayubi - kenapa dia bersemangat? jgn kamu kata ya Allah aku ada masalah. tapi dia cakap, wahai masalah, aku ada tuhan.
cara berfikir jadi berbeza.
ada pandemic - tak ada orang lain yg experience yg mcm ni, semua orang pun harus belajar melalui pengalaman ini.
3. manusia ada preference. penghayatan ibadah perlu seimbangkan all this preferences.
3 jenis:
a) future oriented = hidup utk rancang masa depan. kelebihan tu. kekurangannya, mudah jatuh anxiety.
b) past oriented = kelebihannya innovative. improving all the time. kelemahannya, grounded dgn perkara lepas, mudah depressed.
c) present oriented = kreatif, dari tiada boleh jadi smth. kelemahan, mood swing, bipolar.
eg. solat - melatih kita untuk sedar diri, berpijak di bumi nyata, hadapi realiti, be in the present.
Kesimpulan - Penghayatan ibadah sebagai satu cara mencari jalan utk prevention dan juga solution.
Q - differentiate stress and mental illness.
A - mental illness is not able to function in yr job or role or even as a person/human being.
stress is good, but must be managed. events (traumatic, pandemic, ) that can increase stress level.
Q - mental illness is due to chemical imbalance. tak makan ubat boleh baik ke, just by prayers?
A - setiap orang tak sama - ada yg sihat mentalnya dgn makan ubat, ada pula yg sihat dgn exercise. Jadi kene cuba pelbagai cara. tak tahu yg mana yg serasi.
- ubat.
- herba.
- pemakanan.
- exercise.
- relaxation techniques.
Q - kenapa perlunya makan ubat?
A: mengikut model rawatan psikiatri:
1- medication (Tak semua wajib makan ubat. perlu buat assessment. pakar psikiatrik akan assess).
2- psychological intervention (talking therapy)
3- social support (educ family members, employer)
4- spiritual (meaning in life, tujuan hidup).
Q: tak sesuai dgn ubat depression.
A: discuss dgn doctor yg bagi ubat.
kemarau chemical dlm saraf, ubat sebagai baja utk kemarau.
Q - how do u seek help during MCO?
A: CPRC hotline - byk NGO yg boleh bantu. services avail - CBT, assesssment, spiritual therapy, talk therapy. kes mmg meningkat semasa
Q - adakah sama analoginya utk sakit mental spt orang kencing manis kurang insulin.
A - konsep sama, sistem badan yg sakit itu berbeza. penyebab perubahan hormon, chemical.
diabetes -> organ tubuh pancreas. insulin.
mental illness -> lymbic system tubuh. dopamine.
but again, addressing the underlying issues is primary.
@1:14:00 (Anita)
religion/spiritual is a key component to recovery.
Q: adakah sihir mempengaruhi mental illness.
A: (Anita)
100% mental health truly.
100% gangguan jin / sihir.
combination of both.
Q: adakah ubat alone boleh sihatkan mental illness?
A: kalau kencing manis, boleh cek level gula.
mental illness takde cara nak cek level of serotonin, hormon etc. mesti ada holistic treatment.
Q: how do we know we are improving, or to the extend of 100% healed?
A: common reactions during covid19. severe conditions - depressed, anxiety, suicide ideas.
eg. kalau as a student, sleep and wake is more regular. better concentration in class.
bila ada rasa tak sedap/lain dari normal, cepat go for treatment, call help centers.
Q: my mom is worried too much abt covid19.
A: (ustaz Amin) mom is future-oriented. risau sgt. delusional belief akan jadi realiti.
jgn bg Mak baca psl covid19 banyak2 sgt. perkara positif.
zikirkan - la hawla quwwata illa billah....
Q: bottling emotions - is it good or bad?
A: needs courage to be able to talk out. reach out for help. the longer the worse.
find the right person who has high empathy. compassion. neutral. non-judgemental.
ideally family members, kalau takde, cari orang lain with that characteristics.
Q: perlukah disclose to coursemates and lecturers that I hv mental illness.
A: better to disclose, so that others can support you. but still lots of stigma.
Q: perlukah jumpa professional? Rasa macam OK je.
A: tak semua orang ada empati dan simpati. nak kongsi mental issues kita, kena tengok jenis orang.
umumnya ada 4 jenis orang - orang MATA, AKAL, HATI, TELINGA.
org MATA - terburu2, tak fikir consequences.
org AKAL -
org HATI - fikir bg pihak orang.
Kesimpulan - how to move on?
>> Dr Jannah
1. learn how to protect from covid19.
2. acknowledge your feelings and have a routine.
asians have very minimal vocabs for our feelings.
even dr jannah sendiri pun.
5 basic feeling - sadness, fear, anger, disgust, joy.
how to deal with emotions:
1. accept your feeling.
2. identify and label.
3. accept your emotions.
4. realize the importance of your emotions.
5. let go of the need to control yr emotions.
6. regularize diet, sleep, activities.
7. mindfulness - be in the present moment.
your body is present, is your mind in the present too?
eg. solat. exercise utk mindfulness.
How to slow down and clam down and BE in the present moment?
5 list 5 things you can see
4 list 4 things you can feel
3 list 3 things you can hear
2 list 2 things you can smell
1 list 1 thing you can taste
9. more tips.
@1:45:19: contribute - sedekah, infaq - generate good feeling.
Feeling vs emotions:
you can be patient although there is pain (lost her mom).
sometimes there can be mixed emotions.
>> Pn Anita.
We are all fragmented souls. sebaik2 manusia adalah yg byk munafaat kpd yg lain.
Sangka baik dgn Allah. total pergantungan kpd Allah.
>> Ust Amin.
dunia utk diurus bukan utk dirunsingkan.
4 Jun 2020
Nota dari perbincangan FB Live:
FB Live session
Dr Nur Jannah (UiTM)
Pn Anita (presiden MIASA)
Ustaz Amin
@13:20 Dr NurJannah
ODL - online distance learning.
>> covid19 and us.
- we are part of this history.
>> common mental health problem during covid19.
- triggers mental health crisis.
- social distancing - physically away from each other.
- movement control orders - restrictions.
- loss of job/employment.
- worldside cases and deaths.
>> psychological impact
- esp post traumatic stress symptoms.
- confusion and anger.
- increased anxiety dan stress.
- physically home - abusers can increase violence and cause trauma.
- grief and feeling of loss.
>> cycle of grief
1. shock and denial. losing the freedom to meet friends. confused, fera, numbness, blame covid19 related people.
2. anger. anxiety. shame. embarassed.
3. depression and detachment. overwhelmed.
4. dialogue and bargaining. reaching out. tell her story. struggle to find meaning.
5. acceptance. a new person.
@20:28 - stats (adults)
@22:03 - stats on depressed.
@26:11 - Pn Anita. presiden MIASA.
pernah experience. taking care of my mental health is an every day job. it really dont just go away.
during MCO - overwhelmed. overthink abt the future. how to live the day with covid19.
her solution - take one step at a time. dont give up.
things can change. it is not your fault. there is hope.
@38.23 Ustaz Amin
Q - penghayatan ibadah - adakah prevention or solution?
1. fokus kehidupan - khusyuk. betulkan fokus hidup. apa tujuan hidup kita.
6400 sebelum masihi.
orang zaman dahulu pun terkena wabak juga. kehidupan kita sama juga dgn orang dulu. kita hanyalah satu generasi yg melalui hidup ini. hidup ini bersulam wabak dan cabaran lain.
2. membentuk bahasa dalaman. monolog. bahasa dalaman yg kuat. eg. salahudin al ayubi - kenapa dia bersemangat? jgn kamu kata ya Allah aku ada masalah. tapi dia cakap, wahai masalah, aku ada tuhan.
cara berfikir jadi berbeza.
ada pandemic - tak ada orang lain yg experience yg mcm ni, semua orang pun harus belajar melalui pengalaman ini.
3. manusia ada preference. penghayatan ibadah perlu seimbangkan all this preferences.
3 jenis:
a) future oriented = hidup utk rancang masa depan. kelebihan tu. kekurangannya, mudah jatuh anxiety.
b) past oriented = kelebihannya innovative. improving all the time. kelemahannya, grounded dgn perkara lepas, mudah depressed.
c) present oriented = kreatif, dari tiada boleh jadi smth. kelemahan, mood swing, bipolar.
eg. solat - melatih kita untuk sedar diri, berpijak di bumi nyata, hadapi realiti, be in the present.
Kesimpulan - Penghayatan ibadah sebagai satu cara mencari jalan utk prevention dan juga solution.
Q - differentiate stress and mental illness.
A - mental illness is not able to function in yr job or role or even as a person/human being.
stress is good, but must be managed. events (traumatic, pandemic, ) that can increase stress level.
Q - mental illness is due to chemical imbalance. tak makan ubat boleh baik ke, just by prayers?
A - setiap orang tak sama - ada yg sihat mentalnya dgn makan ubat, ada pula yg sihat dgn exercise. Jadi kene cuba pelbagai cara. tak tahu yg mana yg serasi.
- ubat.
- herba.
- pemakanan.
- exercise.
- relaxation techniques.
Q - kenapa perlunya makan ubat?
A: mengikut model rawatan psikiatri:
1- medication (Tak semua wajib makan ubat. perlu buat assessment. pakar psikiatrik akan assess).
2- psychological intervention (talking therapy)
3- social support (educ family members, employer)
4- spiritual (meaning in life, tujuan hidup).
Q: tak sesuai dgn ubat depression.
A: discuss dgn doctor yg bagi ubat.
kemarau chemical dlm saraf, ubat sebagai baja utk kemarau.
Q - how do u seek help during MCO?
A: CPRC hotline - byk NGO yg boleh bantu. services avail - CBT, assesssment, spiritual therapy, talk therapy. kes mmg meningkat semasa
Q - adakah sama analoginya utk sakit mental spt orang kencing manis kurang insulin.
A - konsep sama, sistem badan yg sakit itu berbeza. penyebab perubahan hormon, chemical.
diabetes -> organ tubuh pancreas. insulin.
mental illness -> lymbic system tubuh. dopamine.
but again, addressing the underlying issues is primary.
@1:14:00 (Anita)
religion/spiritual is a key component to recovery.
Q: adakah sihir mempengaruhi mental illness.
A: (Anita)
100% mental health truly.
100% gangguan jin / sihir.
combination of both.
Q: adakah ubat alone boleh sihatkan mental illness?
A: kalau kencing manis, boleh cek level gula.
mental illness takde cara nak cek level of serotonin, hormon etc. mesti ada holistic treatment.
Q: how do we know we are improving, or to the extend of 100% healed?
A: common reactions during covid19. severe conditions - depressed, anxiety, suicide ideas.
eg. kalau as a student, sleep and wake is more regular. better concentration in class.
bila ada rasa tak sedap/lain dari normal, cepat go for treatment, call help centers.
Q: my mom is worried too much abt covid19.
A: (ustaz Amin) mom is future-oriented. risau sgt. delusional belief akan jadi realiti.
jgn bg Mak baca psl covid19 banyak2 sgt. perkara positif.
zikirkan - la hawla quwwata illa billah....
Q: bottling emotions - is it good or bad?
A: needs courage to be able to talk out. reach out for help. the longer the worse.
find the right person who has high empathy. compassion. neutral. non-judgemental.
ideally family members, kalau takde, cari orang lain with that characteristics.
Q: perlukah disclose to coursemates and lecturers that I hv mental illness.
A: better to disclose, so that others can support you. but still lots of stigma.
Q: perlukah jumpa professional? Rasa macam OK je.
A: tak semua orang ada empati dan simpati. nak kongsi mental issues kita, kena tengok jenis orang.
umumnya ada 4 jenis orang - orang MATA, AKAL, HATI, TELINGA.
org MATA - terburu2, tak fikir consequences.
org AKAL -
org HATI - fikir bg pihak orang.
Kesimpulan - how to move on?
>> Dr Jannah
1. learn how to protect from covid19.
2. acknowledge your feelings and have a routine.
asians have very minimal vocabs for our feelings.
even dr jannah sendiri pun.
5 basic feeling - sadness, fear, anger, disgust, joy.
how to deal with emotions:
1. accept your feeling.
2. identify and label.
3. accept your emotions.
4. realize the importance of your emotions.
5. let go of the need to control yr emotions.
6. regularize diet, sleep, activities.
7. mindfulness - be in the present moment.
your body is present, is your mind in the present too?
eg. solat. exercise utk mindfulness.
How to slow down and clam down and BE in the present moment?
5 list 5 things you can see
4 list 4 things you can feel
3 list 3 things you can hear
2 list 2 things you can smell
1 list 1 thing you can taste
9. more tips.
@1:45:19: contribute - sedekah, infaq - generate good feeling.
Feeling vs emotions:
you can be patient although there is pain (lost her mom).
sometimes there can be mixed emotions.
>> Pn Anita.
We are all fragmented souls. sebaik2 manusia adalah yg byk munafaat kpd yg lain.
Sangka baik dgn Allah. total pergantungan kpd Allah.
>> Ust Amin.
dunia utk diurus bukan utk dirunsingkan.
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