Nice duaa

✨��I L♡ve this interpretation of *Duaa* ����

✨ *Duaa* doesn't just happen when we kneel or put our hands together and focus and expect things from God....

��Thinking positive and wishing good for others is a *Duaa*��

��When you hug a friend, That's  a *Duaa*��

��When you cook something to nourish family and friends that's a *Duaa*��

��When we send off our near and dear ones and say _'Drive Safely' or 'Be Safe'_ - that's a *Duaa*��

��When you are helping someone in need by giving your time and energy that's a form of *Duaa*��

��When you forgive some one in your heart that is a *Duaa*.��

�� *Duaa* is a vibration, a feeling,  a *Thought*.��

�� *Duaa* is the voice of love, friendship, genuine relationships��

*�� *Duaa* is an expression of your silent being*.��

*�� I will always continue to keep u in my *Duaas*


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