Meaningful life

Having a meaningful life isn’t about being rich, popular or perfect. It is being able to share ourselves and touch the lives of others.

So let’s always fill our cup. We can’t pour when our cup is empty. Instead of feeling hindered by our limitations, we should focus on what we can do rather than what we can’t.

Don’t let people who gave up on their dreams convince you to give up on yours.
Strive hard and always make progress.
You are your own key to your success.

Embrace the health and wellness and aim for financial freedom.

Be the next in line billionaires!


Nabi SAW telah bersabda,
*"Berinfaqlah dan jangan kamu berkira-kira (kedekut)  kerana nanti Allah akan berkira-kira kepadamu dan jangan kamu bersifat kikir kerana nanti Allah akan menyempitkan rezekimu".*
(HR: Al-Bukhari dan Muslim )

_*Give and ye shall receive!*_


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