LIVE: Into positivity


Ref: YouTube live

Energy from Allah.

Drive what we want to give.

Foundation is "qalb".

Self-image is shaped by parents.

Puji diri sendiri.


Love yourself.

Be good. be grateful.

Puji diri, puji ciptaan Allah.

expectation + reality = dissappointment

reality + appreciation = joy

energy of the heart is 5000 times better than energy of the brain


Just focus on GIVING.

Do our best and Allah will do the rest.

Food intake can cause inflammation of the brain causing anxiety and depression.

Heart is the container.

At the base of our heart, ada trauma - decrease self-image.

Buat healing - how to forgive

Spend 1% for the past, 90% for the present, 9% for the future.

Ubah self-image by removing the trauma.

Trauma masa lepas/kecil umpama bisul .

The ones who hurt us the most :

- ourselves

- our life partner

- closest to us

Healing process is deep, by growing older

Chase (uphill) :

- money

- sense of significance

- feel good

- victimized

- appreciated

akhirat focus :

takwa >> jannah >> redha Allah.

Circle of concern - cannot control.

Circle of influence - can control.

which kind of life?

deep sea living


beach watchers

doa with this:

 allow me to change what I can control.

1. niat 

2. syukur - alhamdulillah

3. help from Allah - bismillahi tawakkaltu a'lallah

4. la ila haillallah

5. selawat kpd Nabi

6. istighfar

Love Allah.

Love people unconditionally.

Q - susah nak solat. 

A - masa kecil, solat tu associated with bad experience/emotion.

dipaksa solat, not out of love.


differentiate your identitiy with the emotions

eg. I am sad >>> change it to >> I feel sad.

>> make solat a happy event, as a way to shoe how thankful to Allah.

the key is,  associate as positive feeling to each action.

1. judging and attacking

2. victim

3. controlling

4. master yourself

5. compassionate and empathy

I . D. A = O (detached)

I = intention

D = doa

A = action

O = output


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