YM.talk....notes by Aliza Kim

NOTES by ALIZA KIM @ Yasmin Mogahed , Silver Lining/Blossoms of Hope

1. When we are at the bottom of the ocean we have a choice to either stay there or to gather pearls and rise again. Being at the bottom, a person rises changed...more humble, stronger, more beautiful. Those who have gathered pearls can then use them to beautify yourself and others with compassion, empathy, humbleness, softness, patience, wisdom, mercy. You cannot gather pearls without undergoing some hardship.

2. Faith allows us to hold onto hope. It allows us to hold onto the rope of Allah for hope.

3. We think that in hard times it is all bad. Allah never gives us only bad. Allah is always giving help and ease. Quran 94:6 - "With pain (singular) hardship there is ease (plural)." --> with 1 pain there are many eases from Allah.

4. Challenges and tests sent to us are meant to soften us to become more compassionate, humble, wise.  When we refuse to soften to hardships (when we are hardened) we are more likely to snap.

5. Solah was gifted to Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam during the year of sadness...his lowest times. Why? The Prayer itself was given as a coping mechanism...a coolness of the eyes, comfort, a refuge.  We treat it as something to get out of the way but it is actually our lifeline.

6. Allah gives us hope after hope after hope. What comes from the creation will eventually go away, fade, die. But what is with Allah keeps on going.

7. Realize that everything belongs to Allah (wealth, health, etc), so when Allah takes what is His...the believer responds with inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rojioon. This is powerful because when a Believer responds this way, the blessings of Allah are on them. Allah's Rahmah is what we need to get into Jannah. Note to self *say this often.

8. Allah chooses to test people He loves. He tests people not to hurt them but to purify and elevate those who he loves. There are a group of people who Allah wants to reach a certain level but they can't get there by their own deeds, so these tests and your responses to them are what pushes you to those ranks.

9. Focusing on what you have allows you to have gratitude, peace and happiness.  Those who focus on what is lost or gone is what will make you suffer and unhappy.  This is the power of focus.

10. Quran 14:7 "If you are grateful, I will give you more." The power of gratitude is healing.  Focusing on what you have, focusing on the ease with the hardship, with that gratitude, you will find peace. This is the secret that the way in which we can heal is through seeking refuge in what we have and that ease that Allah has given us.


- Turning to Allah in our pain, crying out to Allah is not a contradiction to sabr.
- Allah says: good news to those who have felt pain, fear and losses...they are the sabareen.

Ref:  https://youtu.be/ASYWdENQvKE

Ref:  https://youtu.be/zJ5H1mH8XNw
Dalia Mogahed, Yasmin's sister.


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