Doa untuk anak

Someone shared this and I found it very profound :

From the home of Adam came a murderer, not just any murderer but one who murdered his own blood brother out of jealousy.

From the home of Lut came a woman who betrayed her husband and incited the people of the town towards the despicable act of sodomy.

From the home of Nuh, a nabi of Allah who made da'wah for almost a thousand years came a child who refused to board the ark and who drowned as a disbeliever in front of his eyes.

Yet from the home of Azar, who was not only an idol worshipper but an idol carver and merchant who never in his life took the name of Allah, came Ibraheem.

And from the home of Firaun, the one who claimed that He is Allah himself, came Musa who preached nothing but the oneness of Allah.

How can anyone then claim that the outcome of their family and children is based on their own merit?

How can people then look down upon parents who have lost their children to the fitnas of the time, citing their negligence?

How then can anyone  believe that guidance is in the hands of anyone but Allah?

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful

All praises are for Allah SWT, the most Compassionate, the most Forgiving

Salutations and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family and companions.

Oh Allah, we submit ourselves to You.

We realize that parenting a child is a joyous yet challenging task and we turn to You in humility for Your help.

We implore You for  Your wisdom and guidance.

Oh Allah, our children are an amanah from You to raise in a manner that is pleasing to You.

Help us do that in the best way.

Teach us how to love  care and protect them in a way that pleases you.

Help us where we need to be healed and improved.

Help us walk in righteousness and integrity so that You may always be pleased with us.

Allow us to be  Godconscious role models with all the communication, teaching, and nurturing skills that we need.

Help us to raise children who are rightly guided and a means of guidance to others. Help us to raise pious children with strong imaan and good akhlaq children who are kind and compassionate and who are humble and respectful.

Help us to raise children who are the coolness of our eyes the means of our salvation and assets to the ummah.

Oh Allah make our children and their spouses the best parents for their children.



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