Rahmat Ramadhan

When you see that girl with a messed up reputation in your area putting on the hijab and praying in Ramadan - that isn't 'trying to acting holy.' That's the essence of Iman. When you see the guy give up the club, put down the bottle, and replace listening to rap tunes with the Book of Allāh in Ramadan - that isn't fake. That's the pinnacle of faith.

When you see people taking the Qur'an off that dusty shelf and reciting it for the first time in the year - that isn't being 'typical'. That's true belief. When you see a person sharing Islamic posts in the month despite their shortcomings - that's not double standards. That's a sign that a light exists in the heart.

When you see that person without tajwid reciting without a beautiful voice - that's not embarrassing. That's a testification of the beauty that lives within their souls.

When you see Mosques which are empty all year round fill up during the blessed month - that's not hypocrisy. That's a sign that truth still exists within the community.

Perhaps this year a single action of that person you label as a 'Ramadan Muslim' will surpass all of the worship and good deeds that you spent a life time doing.

We all had a moment in life when things clicked and we were blessed with guidance.

If Allāh can forgive prostitutes, mass murderers, and theives and give them Jannah due to sincerity then you think that girl without the jilbab, the brother without tajwid, those men without beards, those guys who didn't pray, and the 'Ramadan Muslims' can't be forgiven and given guidance due to sincerity?


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