Dont compare


Don't be judgmental and think less of others.
Some of us were given hearts to wake up in the middle of the night for Tahajjud daily our entire lives.

Some of us can only fast Mondays and Thursdays but find it difficult to wake up for Tahajjud.

Some of us cannot do both of these, but whenever we walk out, we have the spirit of giving generously to the beggars.

Some of us don't have the strength to carry out extra ibaadah, but are busy in keeping a clean heart and smiling face towards people all the time.

And others have nothing to do but just make kids laugh whenever they meet them.

Don't ever think those who are different than you are not religiously strong. Never think that your acts of virtue are better than theirs.

For, one person earned the favor of Allah, just by quenching the thirst of a dog, and another by just forgiving everyone daily before going to bed.

Someone may walk through the gates of Jannah with very little, regardless of how unimportant people considered him to be on earth, while others with far greater deeds perish because of their arrogance and how they showed off about their piety.

Yes, he/she may not be the strongest Muslim you know, but don't be surprised if that person leads you in walking through the gates of Jannah for something good he/she secretly did for the sake of Allah.


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